sdnog is a non-profit group that provide an open forum to be used by any interested member from the Internet Community in Sudan to exchange technical information and expertise in networking.

sdnog is managed and organised by a group of volunteers with the aim of capacity building and technology development within Sudan.


Provision of open platform for knowledge exchange, capacity building and technical collaboration.


• To bring together the region's network engineers in a functional technical community

• To provide an opportunity for the exchange of information among network operators, engineers, researchers and other professionals close to the network community.

• To enhance the quality of Internet services available in Sudan by exchanging of technical ideas and information between different companies and organizations.

• To provide Network education, Capacity building and knowledge transfer

• Promotion of the use of open source with technical community.



Sudan Network Operators Group (sdnog) is a registered organization under the Ministry of Security and Social Development (M68D), Humanitarian Aid Commission, NGOs Registrar General, with T.NO: 4814.